Customers' projects

Here we collect pictures of restorations and project cars that we receive from our customers. Nothing makes us happier than being able to take part in your projects and see finished cars refurbished with parts from us. Feel free to send in your own photos to

Mikael Lundin

Pictures from before vs. after Mikael's renovation of a Volvo 142. A renovation that took less than a year, impressive!

Sonny Johansson

A California white Volvo 142 DL from 1973. The renovation took 2 years, about 500 hours in total.

Sonny Johansson

A California white Volvo 142 DL from 1973. The renovation took 2 years, about 500 hours in total.

Mikael Lundin

Pictures from before vs. after Mikael's renovation of a Volvo 142. A renovation that took less than a year, impressive!


A really cool project that our customer Eric took on! A mix between a PV and an Amazon.
Read more about the project at Erics instagram.
Bo Isaksson

An incredibly nice P1800 Jensen from 1961. Great job!


A really cool project that our customer Eric took on! A mix between a PV and an Amazon.
Read more about the project at Erics instagram.

Bo Isaksson

An incredibly nice P1800 Jensen from 1961. Great job!

Henrik's 69

A lovely Volvo Amazon from 1969. Fantastic work with the renovation, Henrik!
Volvo Polar

Dies ist ein italienischer Volvo 245 Polar, ein Spezialmodell, welches eigens für den italienischen Markt gefertigt wurde. Dieser hier wurde von Lalo Zamarro mit unseren Qualitätsteilen renoviert. So toll anzusehen!

Henrik's 69

A lovely Volvo Amazon from 1969. Fantastic work with the renovation, Henrik!

Volvo Polar

Dies ist ein italienischer Volvo 245 Polar, ein Spezialmodell, welches eigens für den italienischen Markt gefertigt wurde. Dieser hier wurde von Lalo Zamarro mit unseren Qualitätsteilen renoviert. So toll anzusehen!